Class Coloring Book Project (A Class Book with a Twist)

I love class books.  We make them all the time in my classroom, and they are always a student favorite.  But, this week, I decided to make a different kind of class book...a coloring book!

How to Make a Class Coloring Book

I have used this idea in the past, but it was just one of those ideas that got lost in the filing cabinet the past few years. I really need to dig around in there more often! 

With Thanksgiving being only 13 days away, I thought it would be fun to make a Thanksgiving coloring book that the students could take home with them over the holiday and color. Turns out I wasn't wrong.  My students were pretty excited about the idea of making a coloring book!

**Note: You could make a coloring book for any holiday, or any season. Keep reading!

Each student completed a page for the coloring book.  I gave them the following sentence starter: "Thanksgiving is...."  We brainstormed ideas as a whole group and I wrote them on the board (and, in typical fashion, forgot to take a picture).   From there, the students chose an idea from the board (or used their own idea) to complete the sentence starter.

Then, they drew a picture to match their sentence.

This does take a bit of coaching.  Since they are making a coloring book, the images need to be an outline drawing that is easy for others to color.  I spent some time talking about how their pictures needed to be simple, emphasizing that they should try to eliminate small details (this can still be difficult for some).  We talked about the kinds of pictures we see in coloring books, and I even showed them an example (from a coloring book, and my own example below).

They drew their picture with pencil first.  Then, they traced their writing and picture with a Sharpie and erased any pencil lines that could still be seen.

When they finished their pages, I copied them, and stapled them into coloring books.  Easy peasy!  The kids are super excited to take their coloring books home, and they were so proud to send a set to their Pen Pals too!

You can grab the FREE template and cover page for this coloring book here.  :)

If you're interested in class coloring books that can be used throughout the year, be sure to check out my Class Coloring Book Templates on TPT. 


How to Make a Class Coloring Book

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