Classroom Organization Ideas
I love being organized. And, I love talking all things organization. So, let's do it. Let's talk organization!This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase through one of my links. For more information about my Disclosure Policy, please visit this link.
Once again, I'm here today to share my love of organization. I'll be sharing a few (more) examples of how I organize specific materials in my classroom. (Click here for more specific examples of how to organize classroom items such as crayons, tech, clipboards, and more.)
I say this in most of my organization posts, but it is worth repeating: organization varies from person to person. It looks different to different people. What works for me might not work for you. But, hopefully it will at least inspire you and give you an idea.
Read Alouds
After I read a book to my class, I set it on the ledge of our whiteboard.
I let the books fill up that space, and when it is full, I move them to my filing cabinet. Yep, that's right, I organize and store my read alouds in my filing cabinets. I learned this gem of an idea from my teaching bestie years and years ago. I use legal sized file folders to create dividers and organize my books by topic or theme.
Fast Finisher Drawers
When I moved to my current classroom, my fast finisher organization system got an update. My room has two sets of short racks. They really aren't as functional as you might think because they are so short, so I decided to use them for my fast finisher materials. I purchased some oversized Sterlite drawers and simply put the fast finisher options in the different drawers. I made labels and attached them with Velcro dots.
The drawers I purchased are approximately 14 x 14 inches. The exact item I purchased does not appear to be available any longer (unless you want to pay twice what I did). But, Amazon does have a smaller set of drawers available (11 x 13.5 inches). You can find the smaller set of drawers here.
Within the drawers, you'll find more organizational goodness. Some of the activities I put out are stored in dry erase pouches, or sleeves, so that the resource can be used over and over. The ones shown below are from Oriental Trading, but you can click here for a comparable set on Amazon (with high ratings).
You can find these sight word drills in my TPT store.
Finally, some of my fast finisher options are placed in zipper pouches like these. I get these at Walmart. They are less than one dollar a piece and every year I buy at least 10 more to add to my collection because I use them for centers and other things too.
Morning Tubs
Morning tubs are a great way to start your day with students. They provide a soft start and are perfect for easing kids into learning each day. With morning tubs, you basically set out some hands-on materials for students to play, build, and create with during the first 5-10 minutes of the day. You can read about what to put in morning tubs and how to manage them here.
I store my morning tub materials in drawers like these. I purchased mine from Michaels, but you can find a similar set, like the one linked here, on Amazon.
I love stickers. A lot. I have a lot of stickers. A lot.
I give out table points in my classroom. Each day, the winning table group gets a sticker. They add the sticker to their sticker books. You can read about how I use table points and stickers here.
When I award stickers each day, I need quick and easy access. This magnetic holder has been a life saver! It sticks to the whiteboard, just below the space where I record the table points. I found this at The Container Store. Click here for a holder with similar dimensions.
Reward Tags
Another classroom management tool I use daily in my classroom is reward tags.
In short, reward tags are a quick and easy way to recognize student effort on the spot. Students are awarded a tag and it is added to a special necklace. I have written many posts about reward tags. Click here for ALL things reward tags.
Just like the stickers mentioned above, I need to be able to quickly access the tags since I award them throughout the day.
I've found that storing my tags in an open container as seen below is the way to go. These are DMC floss organizer trays. DMC floss is what people use when they cross stitch, or make friendship bracelets. I've found that the trays are the perfect place to store my tags. I cut the lid off and glue some ribbon/bow on the outside. The trays sit on a bookcase at the front of my room so I can easily find what I need.
You can find these containers on Amazon, or at your local craft store (they are usually cheaper there).
Magnetic Marker Container
I realize this is not a revolutionary idea, but honestly, having a cup or container of some kind to organize and store your markers is great. Instead of having markers strewn about the ledge of your whiteboard, you can store them all in one handy spot. Store your markers cap side down so the color becomes more vibrant.
You can find these containers almost anywhere. The teal one shown above is from Home Goods. This link will take you to a similar sized option on Amazon. This link will take you to a smaller sized option on Amazon.
Student Work Folders
Classroom organization extends beyond the teacher and his/her resources and materials. Students need to be organized too!
One way that I teach my students some organizational skills is by giving them folders to store their work in. I tend to use the two shown below most often. I also make a technology folder where they store all their passwords and/or materials they might need to bring to the computer lab.
I purchase my folders at Target. You can find these labels in my TPT store (the set currently includes 120 labels).
Click here for more specific examples of how to organize your classroom.
Click here for more posts on how to get organized, the truths about getting organized, and more.

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