Teachers Love Summer {A Linky!}
Yep, they do. Teachers. Love. Summer. I mean, we love school too, of course, but summer is that magical time of year when we get to decompress and re-energize for the upcoming school year. And mixed in with all that decompressing and re-energizing are lots of little things that make us really love summer.So, let's share! I thought it would be fun to start a linky where we can all share our reasons for loving this magical time of year.
Honestly, there are tons of reasons I love summer. Don't worry, I won't list them all here. But, I'd love to share a few that I'm sure you'll be able to relate to. And, when you're ready, please grab the button above and link up!
No alarm clock. Enough said. Right? Well, yes, but I'm going to say more anyway. During the school year I get up at 4:45 a.m. People, this is WAY too early (but necessary). I drag myself out of bed each morning longing for more sleep. Put simply, my body just isn't ready to get up at 4:45 a.m.
But, during the summer, I can sleep in and wake up when I'm ready to. In all honesty, that means I wake up by 7:30 a.m., but still, I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
Reading. I do not have time to read during the school year. I just don't. I try, and then I never finish the book that I started to read. So, during the summer I tend to binge read. Haha!
I kicked off my summer reading with Shopaholic to the Stars by Sophie Kinsella. This series is so funny. So funny that I literally laugh out loud when I'm reading it.
Working Out. When I want. And, for as long as I want. Before I became a teacher and a mom, 70-80 minute nightly workouts were part of my routine. I never missed a workout. Never, ever. Needless to say, I was in pretty good shape.
Then, I became a teacher and started bringing work home with me. Later on, I became a mom and, well, you know, I have mom stuff to take care of too. This means that my daily workout regimen is not what it used to be.
But, during the summer, I can pop in a workout DVD on my computer while my Little Peanut has her cartoon time, or I can ride my exercise bike. And, I can do as long, or as short of a workout as desired because time is on my side. If you're wondering what my go to workout DVDs are, here you go. Anything by The Firm is what you will find me working out to.
Coffee time! I am a coffee fanatic all year long, but during the summer I get to sit and relax as I drink my cup of happiness. During the school year I brew my coffee straight into my travel mug and sip on it as I drive to work, and then finish it at my desk. That isn't a very enjoyable experience, at all.
Today, before the heat set in, I had breakfast out on the patio and I loved that I was able to sit there with my coffee and enjoy a relaxing start to the day as I soaked up the loveliness of the outdoors.
Errands. Seriously! Normally, all of my errands get saved for the weekend. This means that I don't usually get to all of them and then I feel like a less than stellar wife and mother.
During the summer, I have the time to get my car washed, I can grocery shop on a weekday and avoid the chaos of weekend shopping, and I can take my daughter to the doctor without writing sub plans! Here I am at the car wash yesterday. Waiting patiently. Because I had the time to be patient.
Pampering. Otherwise known as Me Time. There is no such thing as Me Time during the school year, sadly. But during the summer, I can paint my nails regularly...during the day, if I want to. Well, I guess painting my nails is about the extent of my pampering. Ha! But, it sure does feel good to actually use the nail polish that I am addicted to buying.
Honestly, I have about a kajillion other reasons why I love summer, like the fact that I have time to organize my home, purge old stuff from our closets, go to matinees in the middle of the week, hang out at the pool....well, I think you get it. In fact, you can probably relate. But, enough about me! Link up and tell us why you love summer!
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