Five for Friday {June 5, 2014}
Let's just say that today is awesome. I mean, yes, it's Friday and all, buuuut, it just happens to be my last day of work!! Yesterday was the last day for students, and today we all check out with admin for the summer. This teacher has never been so ready for a summer break. But, before I get started on my rest and relaxation, I wanted to share a few things from my week with you. So, I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday!At the end of the year I always break down and pack up my classroom. It's required. But, the past few years they have allowed us to keep the fabric and borders on our bulletin boards. I noticed the other day that mine were a bit dusty. I was lamenting over the prospect of taking the boards down to clean them but my teaching partner shared a genius idea with me: canned air! You know, the same kind you use to clean your keyboard with? I just sprayed it on the fabric (and kind of brushed it with my hand a bit too), and easy as 1-2-3, the dust was gone!
As I continued to pack up my room, I realized that my dry erase pockets were in desperate need of some cleaning. I brought them home, sprayed them with some window cleaner (I used generic) and wiped them down with a paper towel. Now, they are as good as new!
During the last week of school I always keep my kiddos busy and engaged in learning by hosting various themed days. On Monday, we had a Bubble Fun Day. It really was lots of fun exploring bubbles. They loved when I brought out my Gymboree bubble blower inside the classroom. Bubbles indoors?? Say, what? Yep, I'm crazy like that sometimes. We used that experience to complete the can/have/are organizer shown in the picture.
They also got their own containers of bubbles and headed outside to complete an observation. Later in the day they blew some bubbles with gum and then decided which type of bubble they preferred to blow. We also went back outside and just blew bubbles for fun. Shhh, don't tell anyone.
We also had a Lemonade Day. This day was cut a bit short as we also had a grade level yearbook signing party. But, we did manage to sample some delicious lemonade (regular and pink). We also created a class graph and analyzed the data, completed a parts of speech sort, and wrote about the experience. Somehow, I only managed to get pictures of the lemonades and writing. #endofyearproblems
Leroy Ninker is a character from the Mercy Watson series. I read it to the kids this week and they absolutely loved it!
Earlier in the week, I tackled a bit more prep work for next year. I made copies of these super amazing listening activities from Fluttering Through First. I now have a stash of listening activities to last me the entire year!
I also prepped a set of new reward coupons by Libby Dryfuse. I still need to cut them out, but at least they are printed. Cutting is easy. I call that a TV job. I park my rear end on the couch when something good is on, and cut, cut, cut. Easy peasy.
That's all, folks! Thanks for stopping by today!
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