Student Created Scoot Questions
Hey everyone! Today, my students were extra excited to play Scoot. They may have even been a bit proud! Proud to play Scoot? You betcha! Today, the kids made all of the Scoot questions themselves!I am huge Scoot fan. It's such a great way to engage students on an independent level, within a whole group setting. Looking for some great tips and tricks when it comes to play Scoot? Wondering what Scoot is? Then be sure to check out this post.
I'm always looking for ways to make our classroom experiences more engaging and meaningful. This activity did just that! The kids were excited to write their questions, knowing that their peers would be reading and solving them.
Lately, I've been squeezing in as much word problem practice as I can. It's just a good skill to review often. The other day I had one of those "a-ha" moments. I thought, why not let the students write their own word problems? After all, they know how. We've practiced the skill quite a bit this year. So, I went for it!
I simply gave each student an large index card and had them write their problems. Ok, we did talk about it first. In our discussion, we determined that they would need to:
1. Decide if their problem would be an addition or subtraction story.
2. Decide if they wanted to use one-digit or two-digit numbers.
3. Write at least two sentences to set up the problem.
4. End their word problem with a question.
I numbered the cards as shown below so that the students knew where to record their answers for each question when we played.
I made this generic recording page for the students to use when we played the game.
Click {here} to grab a copy of the recording page.
The great thing about this idea is that you can have your students make Scoot cards for any skill/topic you might be working on. You know what that means, right? I will likely be doing this again!
The kids really had a great time reading each others problems and solving them. They took ownership of their learning in a whole new way, and it was great to see how excited they were to solve a bunch of word problems. Word problems, people! My teacher heart is beaming with happiness.
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