Weekend Warriors: November Necessities {Saturday's List}
How on earth is this month almost over? Thanksgiving is only a week away! Shock aside, I am looking forward to our traditional sopapilla and oh-so-unhealthy sweet potatoes. These foods are necessities for sure. ;)Speaking of necessities, my fellow Weekend Warriors and I are sharing our November Necessities this weekend.
The following are all items that I need in my classroom. When I run out or don't have them, I feel like I'm at a loss, that's what makes them necessities!
First up, Post-it notes. I use them for everything! I write notes to the students on them, I use them to access students' background knowledge at the start of a new unit of study, I write quick notes to colleagues on them, I use them to record important reminders, and to even make short shopping lists for those after school errands that I tend to run all to often. As you can see, I have a thing for the bright, pretty pads. The standard mellow yellow just isn't my thing.
While we're on the topic of Post-its, my Post-it easel pad is another necessity. My principal bought us these a few years back for making class charts, and I am slightly obsessed! It is basically a giant Post-it note. We use them when we do shared information gathering, shared writing, and various types of brainstorming. And, I love that I can hang up our poster and move it around easily since it isn't stapled to the wall.
My "We Missed You!" folders are another necessity of mine. I have used these for years! It is the easiest way to collect assignments that an absent student needs to make up. Throughout the day, I just make a pile of the assignments we do on that student's desk. At the end of the day, I sort through the pile and place it in one of these folders. Then, I use a Post-it note (see, they are invaluable) to write a due date. The student takes the folder home and brings it back when the make up work is completed.
You can grab these covers {HERE} for free!
I don't know about you, but markers are another necessity in my classroom. I'm talking about those special "teacher markers." These Papermate markers are my all time favorite! Hmm, I think I'm missing a color or two in this picture. Anyhoo, the colors are awesome and the fine tip makes them perfect for editing students' writing, recording grades in my grade book, and so on.
Be sure to check back tomorrow! I have a few more necessities to share with you! In the meantime, head on over and visit these lovely ladies to see what kinds of things they can't live without.
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