Meet the Teacher
I'm a second grade teacher and I love my job! I'm in my 11th year of teaching, which I still can't believe. Has it really been that long? Time flies when you're having fun! I have been very lucky to have taught second grade my entire teaching career, which is great because I don't know if I could teach any other grade!
I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher, but I took a slightly different route than many to get there. I earned a BA in Art History after falling in love with that subject. I also took several education classes simultaneously. I thought maybe I could use that education to work in a museum as an Education Director. Instead, I got a job working in law enforcement for five years (civilian). While I loved that job, it just wasn't where I was meant to be so while I was working full time in that job, I earned my MA in Teaching. The rest is history!
I am a wife, mama bear, and hard core shopper. School supplies make my heart skip a beat, and I own an obscene amount of colored markers (but they sure are pretty and fun to use). Coffee is my beverage of choice. And, if I could eat bacon every day, I would. Well, that, or chips and salsa.
I love to share ideas with other teachers, just as much as I love to get new ideas from other teachers. I hope you find some of my ideas helpful and useful! While you're here, be sure to check out my popular Monthly Round Up posts, plus these other popular posts!
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