So Many Great Teaching Resources from Oriental Trading
Hey everyone! Today, I'm sharing some super fun teaching resources from Oriental Trading. That's right, teaching resources! They offer more than party supplies these days. ;) And, you can add your favorite teaching resources to a wishlist that can be shared with others. Keep reading!This year, we have lots of changes taking place at school. Our literacy framework is changing, and we're also restructuring our intervention and enrichment time. I knew that there were going to be some resources that would help me with these changes. Like these dry erase sleeves. Sidenote: I love the black edges! These sleeves will be perfect for use with small groups and in my word work centers.
These read to self phones will also be great for small groups. They will be perfect for encouraging whisper reading during guided reading.
These sight word cards will be a another great guided reading tool. I love warming up with sight words. I love that you can place these cards on a ring so that you can give each student an individualized set of words to study, if desired.
Last year we piloted a new math program. It was lacking in hands on activities. So, I was super excited to grab a few resources that will help spice up our math block a bit since we're still using this same program. Our program references number lines often, but the students only get to use them in the form of a workbook page. Boring! These dry erase number lines will make our practice a little more fun, a little more engaging, and even more mobile. Now, the kids can work in pairs on the carpet while they practice.
I don't know what it is about dry erase, but students love writing and wiping! So, when I saw these 100 chart puzzles, I couldn't resist. This is another concept that is revisited often in our program, but again, in the form of a workbook page. I think these cards will be a nice supplement to the material as they will be able to practice this skill, but will be able to have a little more fun doing so.
I have never had a class set of rulers. After 12 years, I decided it was time I fix this. These rulers were too good to pass up. The value is great and I now have enough rulers for a whole class! Excuse me while I dance the happy dance.
Finally, how cute are these stickers? I'm a firm believer that teachers can never have too many stickers. Hehe.
Did you know that you can create a wish list on Oriental Trading? I love this because now I can keep track of all the things I want to/hope to purchase in the future. No more hunting for them when I go back to purchase, they are all housed in one convenient area where I can just add them to my cart. Plus, it has a "public view" feature, so you could share the link to your wishlist with friends, family, and your students' parents.
Have you visited Oriental Trading lately? Head on over and check out all their great teaching resource options, today!
Disclaimer: Oriental Trading sent me the resources featured in this post. Regardless of this, these are 100% my own opinions and ideas for use in my classroom.

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