Ice Cream Themed Parent Volunteer Gift
Parent volunteers are such a blessing, am I right? They come in week after week, with a smile on their face, and willingly tackle any task you send their way. At the end of the school year, I like to give my parent volunteers a little something to let them know how grateful I am for all their help. This year, being excited about the hot summer days ahead, I went with an ice cream themed gift.This gift looks impressive, but was super easy (and fun) to put together. It includes just about everything BUT the ice cream. ;)
The idea behind this gift is to give the recipient some fun things they can use to create some tasty ice cream desserts at home. Most people usually buy ice cream, but, they don't typically buy all the fixin's, so I thought it would be kind of fun to give them a little kit that they could use to take their ice cream to the next level.
I collected a few treats that I thought would appeal to a wide variety of individuals (and would taste good on ice cream), packaged them up, and placed them in a box. Easy peasy!
I started by collecting the following items:
I found some cute ice cream cups at Marshall's one day and snatched them up without any hesitation. They were just too cute to leave behind. The wooden spoons are from Michaels, and the food treats are from the local grocery store.
The great thing about this gift idea is that you can include ANY ice cream related treats that you want. Can't find any cups? Then, use cones. Can't find wooden spoons? Then, get some fun colored plastic ones from the party section. Here are a few ideas for other items that you could include in your gift box:
- ice cream cones
- waffle cones
- colored plastic spoons
- maraschino cherries
- caramel sauce
- chocolate syrup
- any variety of sprinkles you can find
- Reese's Pieces
- Heath Bars
- chocolate chips
- marshmallows
- seriously, anything you can think of that you think the recipient might like
Back to my picks. I really didn't want to just stuff my gift boxes with the items in their original packaging. They were just, uhhhhhh, well, not cute. So, I decided to repackage the candies. I placed the contents into small pop favor bags (Michaels).
After filling the little bags with the candies, I folded the top over (making sure to squeeze out all the air), and stapled them in place. Then, I added a piece of patterned scrapbook paper as a bag topper. I just cut them to fit the width of the baggie (about 4.25 in. by 2.5 in.), folded them in half, and stapled them to the baggies.
Next, I prepared the gift box. I used one of the photo memory boxes from the craft store and stuffed it with tissue paper.
I placed all of the goodies in the box and added a little note reminding them to add some ice cream.
After placing the lid on the box, I tied it with some pink twine purchased from Michaels and added this fun little card. I have yet to write my personalized message in the blank space.
The memory box is a super easy way to package everything up because you just stuff the box and then put the lid on it. It will be so easy to transport it to school without worrying that stuff will fall out and get damaged.
You can grab the FREE card and the "Just Add Ice Cream" label shown in the photos above by clicking HERE.
As I put together my parent volunteer gifts, it dawned on me that it might make a fun end of year treat for my daughter's teacher as well. So, I added a card to the free download that would allow you to use it for a teacher gift as well.
I am excited to present these gifts to my volunteers at our parent volunteer breakfast this week. I hope they love it, and I hope that you can use the idea!

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