Weekend Warriors {Teaching Tips}

Welcome back to the Sunday edition of Weekend Warriors!

Today, I thought it would be fun to share a few teaching tips!

I know that you are already an awesome teacher, but it's always fun to read tips and tricks from fellow teachers.  I'm going to narrow today's post to three tips.  That's it, three!  My three favorite tips (at the moment-ha).

Find a planning partner.  This is the best advice I could ever share with any teacher.  A few years ago, another teacher and I teamed up to plan our weekly lessons together and it has saved us sooo much time (and grief).  We have a system in place.  At the beginning of the week we plan all of our lessons for the following week.  From there, I type up all the lessons in our online lesson plan program (it's district created), and she does the prep work (photocopying, cutting paper, etc.).  Every Friday we leave the building knowing that we are totally set and ready to go for the following week.

Make daily "to do" lists.  Planning partner, or not, everyone needs to make a list of the things they need to get done.  Here are my "to do" list tips:
  • Keep a running "to do" list on your desk where you can see it everyday/all day.  I use the term "running" because you can (should) add things to the list as needed!  I frequently add tasks to my to do list throughout the school day.  If I don't write them down, they won't get done.   
  • Prioritize the items on your list.  When you get to work, ask yourself, what needs to be done now/for today?   Which tasks can be done later in the day?  Which tasks are more involved and require more time?  Are there several small/quick tasks that you can be done so that you can tackle the more involved task(s) later on?   
  • Update your to do list every day.  Move the tasks you were unable to get to one day to the following day, along with any new tasks that need to be taken care of.  (I rewrite my to do list every day, but, I'm weird like that).  
  • Use a small wire bound notepad for your to do lists.  They don't take up much space, and have plenty of paper.  Plus, they usually have cute covers so if you close it up one day, your desk will be prettified. Yep, that's a word.

It isn't about you.  Say what???  It's true.  You know it, and I know it. Our job is not about us.  However, it is sooo easy to forget this.  Believe me, I know!

Think about it, every time we turn around we are tasked with doing more, we are given more responsibilities and duties, we are held accountable at every level, we are told that our evaluations/pay will be based on how a child performs on a single test, we feel like someone is always looking over our shoulder, so of course it is easy to forget that our job isn't actually about us.

Our job is about our students and we need to remember that.  Do whatever it takes to remember these words.  Write a note and attach it to your desk, print the saying out and hang it up in a prominent place, or tattoo it across your forehead (joking, but you get the point). 

Be sure to stop by these fabulous blogs today to see what kind of tips they have in store for you today!

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