Prepping for the Upcoming School Year Tips & Tricks

Are you a planner?  I am!  With that said, I have already started prepping for next year.  Please don't think I'm too wacky, I just really like to be ready.  If you're interested in planning ahead, read on!

Prepping now saves me time and hassle when we report back to work in August.  Our photo copiers are limited in number, but high in demand.  Not to mention, they always seem to malfunction or give us problems when we return and all need to make a million copies.  By preparing most of my materials ahead of time, I don't have to fight the long lines or deal with the temperamental machines. Ain't nobody got time for that!

What exactly do I prep?  I prep the materials that I know I will use during the first week back.  This does require some commitment on my part, but it sure is nice returning in the fall knowing that half of my work is already done!

How do I go about doing this?  First, I always make a list of what I need to copy and then I get to work!

As I copy these materials, I "x" them off my list (one of my favorite hobbies) and place the materials on the designated "Next Year" shelf in my closet.  It isn't labeled as such, but it is designated as such.

Currently sitting on that shelf are these copied and bound All About Me books.

And, the student copies for these first week activities (plus others that aren't pictured, because I think you get the point by now).

Basically, the shelf is full of copies that are sorted into piles and ready for use that first week of school.  :)

I also prepare the back to school forms and handouts that I share with my students' families.  These handouts include my classroom handbook, my welcome letter, my meet the teacher letter, and other various forms.

If you're looking to get a head start on your prep for next year, try the following:

1. Make a list of the materials you plan to use (copy only what you know you will use).

2. Start copying (I typically do this whenever I have time to spare. Sometimes, I get to work 15-20 minutes early to make some of these copies.  Copying a few items each day really adds up, believe me!).

3. Designate a space in your classroom and store the prepped materials in that location.

4. Take a deep breath and relax because you just saved yourself about 12 hours of grief when returning to school in the fall!



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