Classroom Reveal {2013}...Come and Take a Look!

I am so excited to share my classroom reveal with you today!!  I'm linking up with Courtney from Swimming Into Second and Jessica from Tales of a First Grade Teacher, so be sure to check out their links at the end of this post.

Every year I change my theme, so it's always fun to see everything come together. (Note: I have promised myself, and others, that I will reuse this theme next year.  So far, no one believes that I will....)

Warning: there are lots of pictures in this post!

Welcome to Room 44!

Here is the view of the classroom from my door.  I love the hanging pom poms!!

I hate that the wall above the whiteboard is split in half by these "after market" projectors.  Does this drive anyone else crazy?

That's a blurry Little Peanut that you see in the picture above. 

Here is a view of the whole room from my desk.

This is my desk.  It's so neat...I wonder how long it will stay this way?  If you look carefully, you can see Little Peanut's mural on the whiteboard in the background.

I have two bulletin boards in my room.  One is designated for student work.

The other is used for Calendar.  I love the pink chair!  That's where I sit while leading calendar, during read alouds, and the students can earn the privilege of sitting in that chair as well.

 (I took the picture above before I put the calendar numbers up, but I wanted to include a straight on view of the board too).

This picture shows the other end of the calendar.  The bookcase holds all of my backup supplies (glue, erasers, etc).  I love the cozy feel of the lamp!

Here is my birthday display.  I have yet to add the cards with the students' names (I won't get my class list, which includes this information, until the end of the week).  

No classroom would be complete without a rules display.

You can grab this free set of rules from Miss Nelson here.

The back wall of my classroom is mostly covered by two storage cabinets (on wheels), the space that is left over is a bit small, but perfectly suited for my jobs board and a small bit of decor.  Each pocket will be labeled with the different class jobs that I have.  The students' names will be written on cards sized to fit inside the pockets.  I rotate jobs (almost) every week.  My students do not all have jobs every week.  If they are not assigned a job, they are simply on vacation; they love that!

I can never seem to fit all of my students' work on the interior bulletin board, so I took this awkward space above our built in racks to create a showcase of work.  This allows for some overflow from the bulletin board.

(The paper is warped in this photo because this past weekend was a stormy one and the building became rather humid as a result.  Needless to say, I spent some time fixing a lot of stuff).

These posters are a necessity in my room.  Without them, the students have a difficult time remembering how to code words during Saxon Phonics.  So, I used some borders and shiny stars to spruce them up a bit.  I also use this space to "advertise" what students may do when they finish an assignment early.  It is conveniently located above the "I'm Done" box.

This is my class library.  My librarian friend helped me sort and color code the books several years ago.  The system remains effective.  Each book has a colored tab taped to the spine that matches the color of the book bin label.

These bins will hold different math games that my students get to play when we finish our math lesson early, but are still within the time limits of our math block.

I was also able to get my wardrobes (closets on wheels) organized.  I never feel like any arrangement within these carts is the best, but at least it looks neat (enough).

Finally, this is my hallway display.  My students' work will go in the big empty space.  We are required to switch out student work once a month.  I'm looking forward to filling the space in the next week! (Sorry about the dark quality of the picture, I turned on the hallways lights but that didn't seem to do much good).

I made each of the characters by tracing the different parts onto scrapbook paper and then gluing them together.  Here is a close up of the girl.

Well, there you have it!  I hope you enjoyed touring my classroom!

You can find more fun and exciting classroom reveals over at Courntney's blog, Swimming into Second.  Click the image below to head over there!

I'm also linking up my classroom reveal with Jessica from Tales of a First Grade Teacher. Be sure to head on over and see her beautiful room and while you're there, link yours up too! Simply click the image and it will take you to Jessica's linky party.

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