Classroom Reveal {2014-2015}

Over the past week and a half, I've spent my mornings setting up my classroom.  Truth be told, it is one of my favorite things about back to school time.  I love, love, love turning my classroom into a space where my students, and I, want to be for hours on end.  We spend a lot of time in there, so we might as well feel cozy and comfortable!

This is the second year that I have used my Rock Star theme.  Those who know me well were convinced I couldn't repeat a theme (I never have until this year), but I did it!  And, I plan to use it again next year because I love it that much!  While this year's room is similar to last year's room, I did make some changes and brought in some additions.  I hope you love them as much as I do!

Warning: this post is loaded with pictures (and I hope you enjoy them all).

This is the view from the door.  I'm still working on that one blank wall behind my desk, and I still need some curtains (Long story short, I made some, but they didn't quite work out.  The end.).

Here is the view from the back corner of the room.

The view from my desk.  Isn't that ceiling projector just beautiful?  Bleh.

This wall shows the board I will be using to display student work.  I don't put a heading on the board because it takes up too much space, making it difficult to fit 22 pieces of work in that space.

I love my little Melonheadz characters!  I made them out of scrapbook paper last year and they are still going strong!

Next to the student work board is the space where I store the materials we use for writing and/or grammar.

My desk.  It's so clean...for now!

This is my birthday display.  Since it is located on the front of my desk, it is very easy for me to see who has a birthday coming up. And, since I walk past it each day, I always see it (and I always check it). I am otherwise terrible at remembering birthdays.

My Rock Star of the day gets to use this cozy little reading area throughout the day.  Each day there is a new Rock Star.  Whenever they have free time, this student may silent read in the pink chair or on the zebra bean bag.  They looooove when it's their turn to be the Rock Star of the day!

My whiteboard is split into three sections.  This is the section that is on the right.  I use it to write out our daily objectives, and to display acceptable voice levels throughout the day.

At the back of the room, I have my rules and job displays.  Next to the job display is the cute "Second Grade Rocks" sign.

We use Saxon Phonics and so I need to display these posters.  Framing them with bulletin board border is my way of making them a tad bit more attractive. Ha!  Next to the phonics posters are some fun glittery guitar accents that I made.

Our word wall.

This blank space is reserved for the students' self portraits. I do them every year.  They always look so amazing...stay tuned as I'm sure I will be sharing pictures of their amazing creations!

Finally, this is my hallway bulletin board. I display student work on this board as well.  If you've followed me for a while, you might recognize this set up from last year and that's because I did not change a thing!  I love it just like it is, so I decided there was no point in reinventing the wheel.  Hehe.  Isn't that exit sign just lovely, by the way?

I hope you enjoyed taking a look around my room!
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